Friday, August 29, 2008

Re-entry Article

I know re-entry isn't quite up our alley, but I thought it was interesting to consider the different types of training programs that are out there.

American University Launches Lawyer Re-entry Program
This fall, the 1-Ls won’t be the only ones at American University’s Washington College of Law trying something new. While they’re just getting started down their legal career paths, others will come to campus to break back into the world of law.
The school is launching a re-entry program designed to help lawyers return to a legal career after taking leave to, say, raise a family. The courses will run for six days in late October and early November.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Articles from 8/28 Meeting article on summer associate programs, with links to existing "bridge the gap" programs:

Arthur Miller video: An fyi that the Arthur Miller 14-minute legal research video that West showed at the Town Hall at AALL is now available at the following link:

Legal Research tutorials (special access required to view, but list is available):

Here's the article I mentioned today, and the SSRN link to the download page:
Legal Education in the Age of Cognitive Science and Advanced Classroom Technology
Deborah Jones Merritt Ohio State University College of LawAugust 2007Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 94 Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies Working Paper No. 63
Abstract: Cognitive scientists have made major advances in mapping the process of learning, but legal educators know little about this work. Similarly, law professors have engaged only modestly with new learning technologies like PowerPoint, classroom response systems, podcasts, and web-based instruction. This article addresses these gaps by examining recent research in cognitive science, demonstrating how those insights apply to a sample technology (PowerPoint), and exploring the broader implications of both cognitive science and new classroom technologies for legal education. The article focuses on three fields of cognitive science inquiry: the importance of right brain learning, the limits of working memory, and the role of immediacy in education. Those three areas are fundamental to understanding both the effective use of new classroom technologies and the constraints of more traditional teaching methods.